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Murder Mystery

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Murder Mystery
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • The investigations that were hired soon started to gather information about Nora's death. The detectives gated the maids that were working for the family and started questioning them about the events. They said they would never do such a terrible act to the kind and gentle Nora and all finished giving their statements. The investigates soon realized that all the maids stated that for the past month they have been getting help from Emily, Nora's stepdaughter to handing her meals.
  • they started to think of any motives that Emily might have had to kill her stepmother. That is when they remembered that Bob was a very rich man and if he was to die one day alone, Emily would benefit greatly.
  • they soon made their way to their home and started going through Emily's room and all her belongings. when one of the detectives was going through her laptop he found a search in her search history stating " what food illness can be dangerous for pregnant people?" the date also matched with the time the maids said she started to help out around the kitchen. Bob was so shocked he didn't want to believe what he just heard was true. He didn't want to believe that his young daughter would do such a thing. When Emily finally arrive home and saw all those people in her room she looked scared and shocked. Her dad asked, "did you do it is it true?" she started crying and said "I didn't mean to sorry sorry" she told her dad she didn't want to hurt him and that she loved him so much. Bob was stunned and didn't believe that just came out of her mouth. At last, they have enough evidence to believe that she was the killer.
  • Bob was so angry he never wanted to look at her face again so he called the police. After some more questioning, she told them exactly what she did. she said that she gave Nora listeria by feeding her raw milk bacteria-infected fish and unrefrigerated soft cheeses in high quantities.
  • Emily was sentenced to be arrested for the rest of her life for killing not one but 2 people and she will not be inheriting her father's wealth.
  • The end
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