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  • Saját Storyboards

Criminal Justice

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Criminal Justice
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Hello there! My name is Game Warden Susan! Let me show you a typical day in my job!
  • As a child, I absolutely loved the outdoors! I always dreamed of being in a career that allowed me to be outside and protect the critters that live here!!
  • To become a game warden, I got good grades in school and went to college to study wildlife management! Plus I took some Criminal Justice classes to help me more in my field!!
  • Most of my days consist of patrolling the park, creating fun educationtal lessons for visitors, and sometimes being called to help with an injured animal!!
  • As fun as my job usually is, there is also some danger to it. I always have to be aware of dangerous wildlife and even some humans that may not want to be nice to our beautiful parks!
  • My job is still one of my favorite things. I get to be outdoors surrounded by sunshine. Just be sure to always be careful!
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