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Revolutionary War

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Revolutionary War
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Study Guide for SS test on American Revolution.

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Before the Revolutionary War began, many colonists were very angry at the British policies. They were split between people who supported independence (patriots) and people who supported the British (loyalists). The conflict eventually escalated to the point of war.
  • Fellow Patriots, we must join together in fighting the British!
  • The Battle of Lexington and Concord marked the beginning of the Revolutionary War, a war in which the colonists were fighting on their home soil. This was one of the reasons they eventually won.
  • We will win this war! We will gain independence!
  • POW
  • The Declaration of Independence officially broke ties with Britain. It was supposed to guarantee rights for all, but women, African Americans, and Native Americans did not gain these rights. They all played big roles in the war, but African Americans and woman were looked down upon, and most Native Americans were pushed off their land after the war.
  • I am so happy we are finally free from Britain's rule! The Declaration was a success!
  • The Battle of Saratoga was the first major victory for the colonists during the Revolutionary War and convinced France to help them fight against the British.
  • CRACKK!!!
  • We're actually winning the Battle of Saratoga!
  • In the winter of 1777-1778, George Washington led his army into Valley Forge to shelter for the winter. Here, they faced many hardships, but trained a lot and emerged a stronger fighting force.
  • We just have to make it through the winter. I will train them well, as their war general.
  • In the Battle of Yorktown, General Cornwallis surrendered to the Continental Army after having no way to retreat, causing the British to call off the war and marking the victory for the the colonists.
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