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Always Be True - Scene 2

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Always Be True - Scene 2
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Leírás

Johnny Steel arrives at the radio station, purposely late for his appointment. He ends up meeting with Bob Enwerd and discussing the deal anyway.

Storyboard Szöveg

  • [Fade In] Car, interior shot. Johnny Steel is at the wheel. He is pulling into his parking space at 106.7 FM, The Blizzard.
  • Radio is tuned to 106.7. Time reads 4:57.
  • Camera follows Johnny as he gets out of the car and walks into the radio station.
  • Cut to high, mid/wide, interior shot of Johnny entering the building.
  • Cut to wide shot of receptionist's desk. Johnny approaches and checks in with the receptionist who reminds him that he is late.
  • Cut to wide or mid shot of Mr. Pennycoat entering the room with a cute "assistant" on each arm
  • Cut to medium close-up of Johnny Steel.
  • Hello, Mr. Pennycoat.
  • Cut to medium close-up of Mr. Pennycoat.
  • Do you realize...?
  • Cut to medium close-up of Johnny Steel.
  • Yeah, kids in my building...
  • Cut to mid-shot as one of Mr. Pennycoat's assistants steps in and interrupts Steel.
  • This deal will happen...
  • Cut to medium close-up reaction shot from other assistant.
  • Cut to medium close-up reaction shot from Mr. Pennycoat.
  • Cut to medium shot of Johnny Steel.
  • Pucker up, Pucky...
  • Cut to wide shot as all three turn to leave. The two assistants give Steel the finger.
  • Cut to medium shot of Johnny Steel. He turns to leave after watching Mr. Pennycoat leave the building.
  • Mid-shot of the receptionist calling after Johnny. [End Scene 2]
  • Mr. Enwerd would like to see you...!
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