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  • Saját Storyboards


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Storyboard That

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Készítse el saját forgatókönyvét

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Oh No! The refrigerator got broken again!!!Now all my foods will stale and get wasted
  • I should have bought a new one before lockdown. This old refrigerator has broken down several times! What should I do now!!
  • What happened mom? why do u look so tensed?
  • The refrigerator isn't working anymore. and I cant buy a new one in this lockdown period.
  • Oh mom ! don't worry. We can purchase our new refrigerator from this e-commerce site. and they also deliver right into our doorsteps.
  • Wow that sounds great!
  • lets select the refrigerator together that we want to buy , mommy!
  • wow this ecommerce website is wonderful!!
  • look mom our new refrigerator is here!
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