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Storyboard That

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Storyboard Leírás


Storyboard Szöveg

  • we prefer wooded areas, but might live in different areas; grasslands
  • We eat many things such as; fruits, berries,rabbit and small deer
  • we are also omnivores and will eat anything we catch.
  • we might live under sheds if we have to.
  • or we may live in suburban areas.
  • we (females) will seek out other dens made by other animals and live in there with the rest of their pack, but if by night cant find one they will curl up in a ball and fall to sleep.
  • females will dig their own if they have to.
  • we can run up to 31 mph.
  • a foxes gestation period can span from 49 and above, depending on the fox.
Több mint 30 millió storyboard készült