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Callagy Law pitch1 part 2

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Callagy Law pitch1 part 2
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Another Innocent Victim 
  • Let's Rock & Roll.
  • Don't worry. Justice Will be served.
  • Honorable Judge, we are not willing to settle!! Honorable Judge, we are not willing to settle!!
  • Dear Jury, can you imagine not being able to feed your family?
  • Scene 8: Sean Callagy is in his living room reading a paper when he notices the Callagy Law "Bat Symbol" appear.
  • Life is good Sean... Life is really good!
  • I see you've purchased the new McLaren P1... not bad!
  • Scene 9: Sean walked into his closet wearing his casual clothes, and immediately walks out in a "power suit" Sean sends a text to the victims. (Sean looks at watch. taps it, and disappears in mid air) Cuts to shot of victims receiving text from Sean.
  • Sean, with me settlement.. I bought the construction company! 
  • Cheers. How does it feel to be the boss?
  • Scene 10: Sean in court with the car accident victim, refusing to settle with insurance. {FADES TO DIFFERENT COURT SCENE} Sean in court with injured construction worker, fighting hard for justice.
  • I need to run. Duty calls.
  • Scene 11: Sean runs into car accident victim outside cafe, with new exotic sports car parked outside.
  • Scene 12: Sean visiting work accident victim at his home, celebrating the big win.
  • Scene 13: Sean looks out the window and see the Callagy Law "Bat Symbol" (Sean looks at watch, taps it, and disappears in mid air)
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