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Kyle and Cassio

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Kyle and Cassio
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Storyboard Leírás

Comic Strip

Storyboard Szöveg

  • ATTACKING • Cassio: "Yo! We are in so much trouble, I told you not to bring that joint to school! " • Kyle: Yeah, whatever we'll be fine! • I know I couldn't help myself here but he said to bring it in for lunch! Actually, it's none of our faults, our addiction to some suberb bud made us do something so stupid! • Cassio: "You are the worst man! I would not be getting drug tested if you kept that joint in the car! " • Kyle (thinking to himself): He is just pissed because he is the one who wanted to smoke at lunchtime and that we got caught!
  • EMOTIONAL FOOTPRINT Cassio: Okay, maybe I overreacted Kyle (thinking ): He is the one who told me to bring it inside Cassio: "I'm sorry Kyle, i'm just overworked and underpaid , I really didn't mean to take it out on you. I hate drug testing. (I really have to think about how harsh I was on Kyle)
  • GROUND YOUR IDENTITY Cassio: "WTF? Why did you drop off this urine test on my desk? This is uncalled for!" Drugtester: "You have to take this now" Cassio: "This is going to ruin my life, you want me to get fired! Drugtester: "No reason to worry, i'm sure you are clean" THE END
  • ATTACKING • Cassio: "Yo! We are in so much trouble, I told you not to bring that joint to school! " • Kyle: Yeah, whatever we'll be fine! • I know I couldn't help myself here but he said to bring it in for lunch! Actually, it's none of our faults, our addiction to some suberb bud made us do something so stupid! • Cassio: "You are the worst man! I would not be getting drug tested if you kept that joint in the car! " • Kyle (thinking to himself): He is just pissed because he is the one who wanted to smoke at lunchtime and that we got caught!
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