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A Tale Of Two Cousins

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A Tale Of Two Cousins
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Storyboard Leírás

When Sienna's rich aunt and cousin move in with them for a few months, she knows that a lot of change and drama is about to go down.

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Um, Sienna. You're actually just the person I wanted to talk to...
  • Uh, mom...why isthe house so clean and why are you holding that huge stack of delicious looking pancakes?
  • Um, yes. Have some pancakes!!!
  • So, you're meaning to tell me that Aunt Courtney, and Brooklyn are coming to LIVE with us for the next twomonths?! Help Insert ParagraphUndoes the last commandRedoes the last commandTabUntabSet a bold styleSet a italic styleSet a underline styleSet a strikethrough styleClean a styleSet left alignSet center alignSet right alignSet full alignToggle unordered listToggle ordered listOutdent on current paragraphIndent on current paragraphChange current block's format as a paragraph(P tag)Change current block's format as H1Change current block's format as H2Change current block's format as H3Change current block's format as H4Change current block's format as H5Change current block's format as H6Insert horizontal Summernote 0.8.11 · Project · Issues
  • Ooo pancakes!
  • It's only temporary so just try to be welcoming. Courtney! Hey!
  • That sure was good...
  • Darlings! Hello!
  • Oh! I love how you remodeled the place!
  • Ok Mom!
  • Thanks! Girls, why don't you all go into the Backyard and talk while your Aunt and I catch up.
  • Oh come on guys, we're supposed to be talking and bonding with eachother.
  • Uh, guys...
  • Ok, how bout we talk about how Brooklyn completely ruined my birthday party that one year.
  • Are you seriously still hung up about that? We were like five! I see nothing's changed here.
  • UGGHH!
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