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  • Saját Storyboards


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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Can we go check out that car that's more in the back its a light blue car.
  • Oh okay sure man she's a beauty let me show you the car.
  • Yasssss sounds good I mean I love this car everyone is going to think I'm so boujee.
  • "Nicki Minaj playing on the radio"
  • "Talks about cars and money stuff"
  • "Answers questions"
  • "Asks Clarence questions in order for him to get approved for the vehicle loan"
  • Oh okay sounds good to me!!
  • 1 Hour Later...........
  • Great news! We got you approved for the vehicle loan. You are looking at a monthly payment of $$$ a month. With an interest rate of % What do you think?
  • A while later............
  • Hey bro just got my car! I'm so excited. I'm starting a new chapter in my life. I think I even want to buy my own house too lol.
  • Hey bro I got to tell you something... Its been more than 8 years we have known each other, and I have realized that I love you..
  • Oh bro I feel the same way I love you too..
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