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  • Saját Storyboards

We are just kids!

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We are just kids!
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Hey Dani! How are you? Do you want to play a football match?
  • Yes of course! I will love that. But we need more players!
  • Look Pete! There are some kids there, let's ask them.
  • They seem different from us... We should not ask them to play.
  • Yes they do not look like us, let's ask other kids!
  • If they do not want to play with us, we will play among us!
  • Good idea! We can play a basketball match!
  • While the kids were playing basketball Pete and Dani started thinking about the situation...
  • Look at them. They look like us... They are playing as we usually do.
  • It's true... Maybe we were wrong about them. Let's talk to them.
  • Dani and Peter went to the kids to apologize for their attitude.
  • We are very sorry, we should have played with you. 
  • It's ok. But as you can see we are just like you. We all are JUST KIDS!!
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