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Siužetinės Linijos Tekstas

  • Mama Papa did you know that everyday things like not turning off the light, leaving the water on for too long, and eating lots of meat is bad for the carbon footprint.
  • Ya, and all those things add to green house gases which make the plant hot which is called globe warming.
  • Wow, I didn't know that.
  • Wow well if that the case we need to star to start making some big changes around here.
  • Your right mama but what can we do?
  • Well you said that everyday things effect thing so i we tell other they can change the way they do things!
  • Ya like you said leaving the water on for to long is bad, if we tell people this they will turn off thewater when their not using it.
  • Good Moring Class tomorrow Kennedy will be hosting a class clean!
  • Kennedy's Class Clean Up!!
  • Whats a Class Clean Up and why are we doning it?
  • Kennedy's Class Clean Up!!
  • It's where we go aroud the city and clean up and were doing it to help the environment!
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