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Red or Blue

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Red or Blue
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Storyboard Tekst

  • Red or Blue
  • Exposition
  • Rising Action
  • This October started great, today, the 12th, started normal. I thought working in the Pentagon would be safe, and I don't even know how something like this could even happen in such a secure place. I can hear the wind harshly blow against the flat ground outside, and it makes the situation even... even eerier.
  • Climax
  • I don't even know how I managed to land a job here, but maybe if I didn't get the job I'd still be back home in Kansas right now. I wouldn't be as happy with the college and job mom wanted me to have ,but at least I wouldn't be here. I tried my hardest to get this job, to be labeled one of the best engineers in the Pentagon. If this goes wrong, though, It wouldn't have been worth it.
  • Falling Action
  • S N I P ! ! !
  • The City is almost completely evacuated but about 1/4 of the city's population is still here. That's why this is so important. I must disable the bomb before it sets off because there is not enough time to evacuate the rest of the people beforehand. A terrorist somehow planted this bomb here, and it's my job to disable it.
  • Resolution
  • It's a fairly simple bomb design. Just two wires, seems easy right? Wrong! The only problem is we don't know which wire will disarm this bomb or... set it off right away, killing everyone still in the city, including me of course. Even though the person who planted the bomb is at fault, this is a woman versus fate situation, and it's on my hands.
  •  If I choose right, I'll be a hero, get a nobel prize maybe, become rich! Oh and thousands of people won't be dead I guess. But if I choose wrong... BOOM! Everyone dies and the terrorist wins. It would all be my fault, I'd be dead and my family would be horrified, and worst of all...I won't be famous!
  • 25...24...23...22...21... time is running out but I want as many people to be evacuated from the city before I make my decision, in the unfortunate case that... I choose wrong. 15...14...13...12... I don't know whether I should make my decision now or make it spontaneously. Should I go red or blue, ok ok I'll do blue. No! wait red, yeah red, no blue 5...4...3...2... Ahh RED!... 1, snip.
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