Eiland van Blue Dolphins Plot Diagram

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Eiland van Blue Dolphins Plot Diagram
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Docentengids Island of Blue Dolphins

Eiland van de Blue Dolphins door Scott O'Dell

Lesplannen Door Elizabeth Pedro

Island of the Blue Dolphins is een fictieve roman gebaseerd op het waargebeurde verhaal van de Lone Vrouw van San Nicolas. Karana, een Native American meisje, zit vast op een eiland, gedwongen om te barre weersomstandigheden, wilde honden, en duurzame eenzaamheid overleven, zich afvragend of ze ooit zal worden gered en keerde terug naar haar familie. Deze storyboarding activiteiten zullen helpen studenten begrijpen belangrijke details en concepten.

Eiland van de Blue Dolphins

Storyboard Beschrijving

Eiland van de Blue Dolphins Summary | South Pacific | Plot Diagram grafische organisator

Storyboard Tekst

  • Russian Aleuts come to Karana's island to hunt for otter pelts. The two peoples come to an agreement that allows the Aleuts to hunt for pelts, keeps the tribe safe, and compensates the people of Ghalas-at.
  • Soon, the Aleuts go back on the established deal. A bloody battle ensues between the Aleuts and the native islanders.
  • The villagers leave the island, but Ramo gets left behind. Karana leaps out of the boat and swims to shore so her little brother would not be alone. The two siblings must work together to survive on their own.
  • Wild dogs attack and kill Ramo. In her grief, Karana burns down her village because she can't stand to be there by herself any more. She vows to kill the wild dogs, but decides not to kill the pack leader and tames him. She names him Rontu, or Fox Eyes.
  • The Aleuts return to her island and Karana retreats to a cave. She makes friends with Tutok, an Aleut girl. Karana yearns for human company, even if not of her tribe. One day Tutok does not come at their normal time and Karana watches the Aleut ship sail away.
  • Karana is rescued from her island and from her solitude. She has been alone on the island for several years. She discovers that the rest of her village did not survive the journey on the ocean.
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