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  • This story board is going to show you guys what Canada looked like throughout the 5 stages!
  • I am pregnant about to have my 4th child! My kids will grow up to help out on the farm! Sadly my last son died at only 4 years old.
  • I can't believe how many people have been dying recently! There are so many awful diseases.
  • I feel like no one has been getting sick anymore! Must be due to the health care and sanitation we have! I can't wait to teach my kids how to start farming
  • I just had my 6th child! I'm so happy that they haven't gotten sick recently!
  • The population has not been moving as fast as it used to! I feel like the culture is so different now since most families are only having 2 or so kids.
  • Your'e right! I only have three kids which is nothing compared to my parents. Also I heard you start your new job next week! are you excited?
  • Stage 1: Many people in Canada are dying due to poor healthcare, and unsanitary living which leads to the high death rate. Many families are having many kids so they can help out on the farm. This leads to a stable or slow increase for natural increase rate. Sadly however, young children are dying. There is currently a small population
  • Your brothers wedding was so much fun! I can't believe he got married at such an old age compared to your parents. Isn't it nice to work in a factory rather than the farm!
  • I can't believe the life expectancy is as high as it is! What the hospitals are doing is truly amazing. I can't believe your brother is trying to go to Med school, thats amazing!
  • I had a doctors appointment yesterday and it turns out I am all healthy! I can't believe that my grandparents are 84 and 89 years old! I am so happy that we started our business together!
  • Stage 2: Large natural increase as birth rate remains high and death rate decreases significantly due to increases in medical care, sanitation, and water supply. Kids are starting to join their parents as farmers. The industrial revolution is just around the corner!
  • Same here! we both worked so hard at university to finally get here. Did you know that our population is starting to decrease! isn't that so crazy?
  • Stage 3: Due to the significant decrease in infant mortality rate, Canadian families are starting to have less children and family planning is becoming the norm. This has lead to a decrease in the natural increase rate as the death rate is still low. Women are now being educated more and getting jobs.
  • Stage 4: Birth rates drop even more and the natural increase rate is either completely stable or slowly increasing. Women are now completely integrated into society and some couples are having marriages later than ever! More people are going to university to become more educated and gain high paying jobs. The food supply is very reliable and quality of life has increased even more!
  • Stage 5: The Canadian population is a little bit older now as the birth rate has gotten extremely low. Some families aren't even having children now! The natural decrease rate is very small however, the deaths now outweigh the births. Post secondary school is very popular as many people are interested in furthering their education. Health care is completely available to all so life expectancy has risen even more! Women are now large members of society with very important roles.
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