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French Revolution Part 1

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French Revolution Part 1
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  • French Revolution: Introduction
  • Factors that led to the Revolution
  • Please does anyone have spare food or coins ?
  • Meeting of the Estates General
  • This is unfair ! We should get 2 votes !
  • The French Revolution began in 1789, and ended in 1799 affected Europe greatly.The peasants of France overthrew the monarchy and tried to created a effective Democracy to replace it.For these ten years the country was in turmoil and by the end the lives of the peasants didn't improve that much.
  • The Tennis Court Oath
  • They were many reasons why the peasants of France rebelled. The first reason was due to the Estates system which led to social inequality.Secondly the third estate was heavily taxed despite being the poorest.Thirdly the French king ,Louis the 16th was a incompetent leader and he made many bad choices.Fourthly ideas by Enlightenment thinkers inspired many to make change. Finally there was a financial crisis due to foreign wars and there was a food shortage.
  • The Storming of the Bastille
  • The 3rd Estate wanted to make some changes to make things more fair.The leading spokesman Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyes suggested they rename the 3rd estate to the National Assembly and pass laws and reforms in the name of the French People.The first 2 Estates dominated since they could always outvote the 3rd Estate since they all only had 1 vote.June 1789 it was formed declaring an end to the monarchy and the start of a representative gov.
  • The Great Fear
  • Just 3 days after declaring the end to the monarchy and the start of a representative government the National Assembly found themselves locked out of their meeting room by King Louis. In response to this they broke down a door to an indoor tennis court and pledged to stay until they had drawn up a new constitution.
  • After rumors started to circulate about King Louis shutting down the National Assembly and foreign troops were being sent to Paris to massacre, the people of the 3rd estate started to arm themselves.July 14th 1789 a mob in need of gunpowder and arms stormed and took control of the Bastille which was a French Prison.The paraded around the streets with the commander's head on a pike.
  • Rumors were going around that nobles were hiring outlaws to terrorize the peasants.In response there was a great wave of panic and fear were the peasants in response broke into houses of nobles armed with farm tools to burn documents that bounded the people to feudal debts and maybe even burn down the entire house.
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