War of the Worlds Theme Storyboard #2

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War of the Worlds Theme Storyboard #2
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  • Panel 7
  • Panel 8
  • Panel 9
  • This goes the same for the assassination. During the crisis, many civilians have lost control of their decency, and riots have started that could have easily been avoided. The entire country has been thrown into social, economical, and political chaos, because somehow the president was assassinated! With his immense security, his murder was entire unexpected, throwing many people in confusion and turmoil. In fact, this assassination has thrown the nation into almost as much disarray as the Martian invasion has to Woking. This demonstrates that human resolve can be broken suddenly when we least expect it, and that society is not as we think it is.
  • This simply goes to show how in the midst of chaos, of the assassination of Haiti's president and the Martian's invasion, many people often lose all sense of discipline and sometimes even civility. From this, Wells is depicting that human order is not as strong as we think it is, and that hierarchy, whether be social or animal, is not very stable, and can be toppled at any moment, anywhere, in even the most unexpected ways.
  • When the Martians are first discovered, the witnesses are slow to realize the potential threat that they impose. Even after men have been slaughtered by the aliens, they are still indignant on preserving their social structures. For example, when a wagoner was informed of the Martian invasion, he remains ignorant, simply due to the fact that the informer was not wearing a hat, which, according to the social norms, is not acceptable, and only those who do so are worth their attention.
  • “The most extraordinary thing to my mind, of all the strange and wonderful things that happened upon that Friday, was the dovetailing of the commonplace habits of our social order with the first beginnings of the series of events that was to topple that social order headlong.” -Narrator
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