Řešení Špatné Kvality Softwaru

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Řešení Špatné Kvality Softwaru
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Storyboard Descrição

Tento rozhovor je velmi častá situace v technologických společnostech. Vzhledem k rozdílu v tom, jak inženýři a marketing myslí, inženýři často myslí na to, že marketing je neinteligentní, a marketingové myšlenky inženýrů jsou obtížné pracovat. To vede k velkému tření a výsledkům na obou stranách plotu. Na tomto jevu je velká kapitola v knize Za zavřenými dveřmi: tajemství velkého managementu Johanna Rothman a Esther Derby.

Texto do Storyboard

  • I want to talk about your code quality. Over 35% of your tickets failed QA.
  • What can we do to improve this?
  • My problem is stupid marketing keeps changing their mind on their stupid requests.
  • How do you think marketing likes being referred to as stupid?
  • I never thought of that ... I don't say it to their faces ... but my emails are a bit curt ...
  • What do you think would happen if you spent more time trying to understand them?
  • I don't know. Let me try.
  • Requirements
  • Can we spend more time discussing this together? I want to make sure I understand.
  • I would love to, I just always thought you were in a hurry to leave.
  • I have been hearing great things about you from QA and Marketing.
  • One Month Later...
  • Our last conversation was an eye opener. I see everyone in a whole new light.
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