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  • Hi dad, How is it going?As you know I have a business class, so for homework I need to know what stakeholders are
  • Hi darling, of course let me explain you, let's go home first
  • But, which parts are involved? or, what does that mean?
  • Fine so, stakeholders are all those interested parts involved in the company.
  • Great! explain me more please because I don't get it at all
  • First you should know that there are 2 kinds of it, external and internal
  • Fine, like the employees, right?
  • Yes, they are a part of it, but now we have these 2 different kinds of stakeholders
  • So know, stakeholders are that public related to the company, for example company's activities, decisions, that's the meaning of stakeholders
  • Thanks dad! Now I understand very well what this is
  • And we have external and they are like outside the company like the government, society, customers.
  • We have internal and as its name says is the internal parts of the company like employees, managers.
  • Seriously thanks!
  • No worries. :)
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