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Griffin JC Speeches

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Griffin JC Speeches
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  • Brutus' Speech - Ethos
  • "Caesar loved me, so I weep for him; Caesar had good fortune, so I celebrated it..."
  • Brutus' Speech - Pathos
  • "....it is not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome more."
  • Brutus' Speech - Logos
  • "His death has been recorded in the Capitol. The glories he was worthy of in life have not been diminished, nor have the wrongs for which he was killed been exaggerated
  • Brutus is justifying himself by saying how Caesar loved him and cared for him. He uses Ethos to explain his close relationship with Caesar, and explain how he celebrated Caesar. He tells the people how much Caesar loved him and how Brutus cries for his death.
  • Antony's Speech - Ethos
  • "I am not speaking to disprove what Brutus spoke, I'm just here to speak what I know. 
  • Brutus is using his love for Rome to convince the audience that he murdered Caesar out of love for the people and Rome. He explains how he cares more about Rome than Caesar. He uses antithesis by saying he does not love Caesar less, but he cares for Rome more than Caesar.
  • Antony's Speech - Pathos
  • "I come to speak at Caesar's funeral. Caesar was my friend, faithful and just to me."
  • Brutus is using logic of reasoning to justify himself by saying that Caesar's death has been recorded in the capitol and his legacy will live on. He uses the legitimacy of the death being recorded to give people closure and an answer to Caesar's death.
  • Antony's Speech - Logos
  • "But here's a document with Caesar's seal which I found it in his private room; it's his will." 
  • Antony is speaking from his own knowledge and saying that he is not trying to diminish Brutus' words, but he is just stating his point of view. He is talking about his own legitimacy and knowledge about Caesar's death. 
  • Antony is using his friendship with Caesar to gain support from the audience, and prove to them how close he was with Caesar. He uses praising words such as "faithful" and "just" to appeal to the audience. 
  • Antony is showing proof of Caesar's will and saying how if they read the will, then they would understand the truth behind Caesar's murder. He is saying how there is a legal document that he found that is able to prove the legitimacy of everything. 
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