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PowerUp storyboard

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PowerUp storyboard
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Storyboard Text

  • Scene 1:
  • Hmm.. everywhere is so dull.. If only there was something to brighten places up..
  • Scene 2:
  • OOH! What's this?! An energy drink! Why don't I try it!
  • Scene 3:
  • Woah! I feel amazing!! Like I could do anything...!
  • The main character is wandering around a school in a dull, glum world where everything is boring and not exciting.
  • Scene 4:
  • Suddenly he comes across an energy drink with bright packaging, it stands out in the dull world. The boy begins to drink the drink, and slowly everything becomes colorful and exciting.
  • Scene 5:
  • Woohoo!! (clapping and cheering)
  • The boy runs around in this new bright world, feeling like he could do anything!
  • Scene 6:
  • The boy runs inside the school, and people crowd around him cheering him on as he proudly holds the energy drink.
  • Everyone then follows the boy outside and a football match begins (because the boy feels like he can conquer the world and he has loads of energy). He scores lots of goals and everyone is in a colorful and happy world!
  • The ending scene where the drink advertisement is shown, (saying why the drink is so great and where to get it and what it's called etc.)
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