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anne frank and amanda

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anne frank and amanda
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  • Hello Anne, I’m happy to see you too! This trip to my grandmother’s is so refreshing, my parents are so much nicer because we’re on vacation and I don’t have to deal with their nagging all the time!
  • Amanda! I'm so glad to see you, how are you doing?
  • oh, oh, I'm sorry Anne. I know it's still hard for you, after...
  • No, it's okay, Amanda. Losing grandma has been hard, but I'm coping, I'll be fine. Tell me about this nagging, is everything alright with you?
  • You know how it is... They criticize every small thing I do, and if I feel bad about it, then they just have more to criticize.
  • God, I know exactly what you mean... Do you at least have a good way to cope?
  • For example, I started writing in a diary recently to pour my feelings out somewhere and have a safe place to deal with the things I'm going through. To have a minute, just to myself. It's really important that you have a place like that.
  • Cope? What do you mean?
  • Wow, Amanda, that's so creative! I feel a lot better knowing you're trying to take care of yourself. My friends at school and I don't have the imagination for that at all!
  • Oh, well, sometimes when what my parents are saying gets too much to bear, I start daydreaming and pretend I'm someplace else entirely. Does that count?
  • Anne, you're the sweetest. But tell me about these friends at school....
  • Okay, well .........
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