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The American Constitution

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The American Constitution
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  • The Constitution is a very special document for the United States of America it was writtent in 1787
  • THE 1787 it was rhe plan for how the government of the United states of America would rud it was important for the united states to approve a constitution so everyone would know how this new government would operate
  • the 10 rights are:origins,significance and characteristics; ect..
  • The United States Constitution now has 25 functioning amendaments. There have been 27 ratified in total
  • The three most important rights are:1:Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly,and petition.2:righr to keep and ber arms in order to maintain well regulated militia.3:no quartering of soldiers.
  • that protect the right of Americans 27 amendmens THEUS Constitution has
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