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Unknown Story
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  • Containment Policy
  • Iron Curtain 
  • Truman Doctrine
  • A Containment Policy is when a person that has a very high job such as the president or government use strategy by the united states then led to the cold war. 
  • Marshall Plan
  • The Iron Curtain was used to show the efforts of the Soviet Union to block themselves from open contact with all the people from non-soviet, and the West. The iron curtain was also a boundary separating Europe into two different groups from World War II to the cold war.  
  • Berlin Airlift
  • The Truman Doctrine is when the united states should have helped all the countries or else they would get threatened by the Soviets. 
  •  Formation of Nato
  • The marshal plan was used to prevent the Soviets from the Europeans. The marshal plan helped restore the economy of the west side of Europe.  The marshal plan was also good for the American economy also. 
  • HUNGRY!!
  • The Berlin Airlift was used when they needed necessities such as food and supplies. They needed to get all these supplies through the air because most routes were blocked by the soviet union. 
  • The formation of Nato was a security group used against the soviet union. About 30 states were apart of the Formation of Nato. 
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