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Bill of Rights Amendments

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Bill of Rights Amendments
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  • First Amendment:Freedom of Religion
  • Protects freedom of religion, speech, the press; the right assemble peacefully; and the right to disagree with government decisions.
  • Second Amendment:Right of bear arms
  • Protects the right to own and bear firearms.
  • Third Amendment:Quartering of soldiers
  • Protects the people's right not to house soldiers during peacetime.
  • Fourth Amendment:Arrests and searches
  • Protects people from having their property unfairly searched or taken.
  • Guarantees that no one's life, liberty, or property can be taken unless decided by a court.
  • Fifth Amendment:Rights of people accused to crimes
  • Sixth Amendment:Rights of people on trial for crime
  • Rights of people on trial for crime.
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