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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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  • t... it... it's so unfair. I have never gotten one point, not a single point, that I didn't deserve. And I spent so much time helping Yin Lan-lan and the others with their arithmetic, and now
  • Let's look at the relationship between Ke Cheng-Li and his favorite student, Jiang Ji-Li. Ke Cheng-Li doesn't like working-class kids. He only likes rich kids. He made Jiang Ji-Li the teacher's assistant for math class
  • I came back to make sure that you were okay. I was getting worried.
  • Let's look at the relationship between Ke Cheng-Li and his favorite student, Jiang Ji-Li. Ke Cheng-Li doesn't like working-class kids. He only likes rich kids. He made Jiang Ji-Li the teacher's assistant for math class
  • Silence...
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