Present Tense Continuous(suport vizual)

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Present Tense Continuous(suport vizual)
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Storyboard Descriere

Materialul este un suport vizual de tip Storyboard care ajută elevii să consolideze și să practice The Present Continuous Tense (Prezentul continuu) în limba engleză. Este un punct de sprijin pentru o mai ușoară asimilare a informației, realizat într-un mod atractiv și captivant. Poate fi folosit și de cadrele didactice ca material suport în activitățile de predare-învățare-evaluare.

Storyboard Text

  • Hello! How are you?
  • Hi! I`m fine, thank you!
  • Where are you going?
  • I am going home. Come with me! Let`s have hun!
  • Are we listening to some music?
  • Yes, we are! And what about taking some photos for our friends and sending them a message?
  • This is a lovely place! What are we doing here?
  • Do you like it? This is where my parents and I are walking in the afternoon.
  • My mother is preparing some pancakes! Are you staying at dinner?
  • Oh, I like pancakes! They are delicious! I am calling my mom to tell her I am having dinner at your house.
  • See you tomorow. Bye!
  • Look! It`s getting dark! I am gong home now. Thank you for this lovely day! Bye!
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