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Bill and Ted's Most Historical Journey

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Bill and Ted's Most Historical Journey
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  • Uh, Ted. I think we should skip this stop. Pearl Harbor killed a loooot of people.
  • 1941 - Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
  • Some time between 1941 and 1942
  • I dunno, Ted. I guess sometimes battles and wars can lead to good change in the world, not just uniting it will help.
  • Hey, Bill. It's been getting rather intense in our research. Why can't the world unite itself?
  • This is not one of those times.
  • 1942 - 1943 - Battle of Stalingrad (Russia VS Nazi Germany)
  • Stalingrad was one of the longest and bloodiest battles of all time, dude. But at least World War 2 is almost over and we can go home.
  • Nah, dude. We're here to research D-Day. You know, it's one of the largest sea attacks.
  • 1944 - D-Day at Normandy Beach in France (Allies VS Germans)
  • Nice, we finally get a vacation from all this hard work. The view is most righteous.
  • Wait. I accidentally set the time machine for June 5th instead of the 6th, it was delayed one day because of the weather.
  • Well where's everybody at?
  • 1945 - Hiroshima Bombing
  • This is the last stop for our research! The U.S. just bombed Hiroshima so they'd end the war.
  • Well, I'm glad it's over, Bill.
  • Present Day - Bill's House
  • I'm so glad to be back in the present. All those battles and dead bodies were making me sick.
  • I really feel ready for our test tomorrow! Good idea taking the time machine.
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