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From Seed to Flower

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From Seed to Flower
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Storyboard Descriere

This is for an assignment in a college graduate course.

Storyboard Text

  • Good Morning, Class! I'm Mrs. Hayes. Today, we will be learning how to plant a seed, take care of it while it is growing, and watch it become a flower. You will be writing about what you see, as it changes into a flower.
  • Did you know that flowers start out looking very differently than what you see here? (Camera pans slowly to picture on display & back to speaker)
  • (Child enters scene) This is my friend, Aidan. He's going to help me demonstrate how to plant the seeds. (Camera focuses on child entering scene)
  • Aidan, will you please show the packet of seeds? (Close up shot of seeds)
  • The first thing that Aidan will do is to make a hole in the soil with the small shovel (or gardening tool). (Close-up shot of making hole in soil)
  • The next step is to open the packet of seeds & place each seed inside the hole. (Close-up of pouring seeds into hole)
  • After Aidan has dropped the seeds into the hole, he will cover the seeds with more soil. (Tight shot of covering seeds)
  • Can you guess how many days it will take for us to notice changes in the flower pot? (close up of child's expression)
  • About 9 days after we plant the seed, the plant begins to grow up! (long shot of the scene, showing #9)
  • If the temperature is right (tight shot of child checking thermometer) & we water the plant enough (but not too much), the seeds will open. Then a small root will break out of the seed & start growing! (Close-up of picture)
  • O.K., Aidan, go ahead & give the seeds a drink of water, so they will begin to grow. (Zoom-in on the water being poured)
  • The plant's roots are growing under the soil to absorb water & nutrients from the soil. A plant stem will appear & leaves will begin to grow on the stem of the plant. (close-up of photo)
  • A flower will bloom from the tiny buds. (Close-up shot of flower photo)
  • And, insects, like bees & butterflies, will be attracted to the scent or smell of the flower. The insects will carry a yellow powder, called pollen, to other flowers to help make new seeds. (Tight shot of photographs)
  • Then, the life cycle of a plant starts all over again! I hope that you have learned how to plant a seed & start your own garden. Happy growing! (Long shot of ending scene)
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