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Rosa parks

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Rosa parks
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Storyboard Text

  • Once upon a time in 1955 in Alabama in USA...a
  • My name is Rosa Parks, I'm an emblematic Afro-Américan woman figure in the fight against racial segragation in USA
  • 21 October 1955 
  • 21 October 1955 
  • When I was 43 years, I refused a white man to take my place on the bus, I received beatings and insults.
  • You are under arrest and have to pay a fine of 15$ 
  • 5 december 1955 I refused to go to jail and I make appeal to this jugement
  •  Martin Luther King is a leader of a non-violent movement for the rights of black
  • To give my support to Rosa Parks , I lauches a protest and boycott compaign against the bus company for 380 days
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