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India Caste System

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India Caste System
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  • India Caste levels story boardBy, Zoey Scalise
  • I am in the Highest caste the Brahmins. I devote my life to religious services, studying, and teaching. My Job is a priest
  • We are in the Kshatriyas caste this is the second-highest caste level. We have the jobs of rulers and warriors.
  • I am in the middle caste system the vaishyas. We can work as Merchants, Farmers, traders, and breeders.
  • I am in the second lowest caste shudras but really we are considered the lowest. I can have the jobs of a peasant, slave, or artisan
  • I am not even considered in the caste I am in the "caste" untouchables. The only jobs I can really have been cleaning sewers and lanterns by hand, also I can clean dead animals.
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