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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Storyboard Text

  • Exposition
  • You're going to stay at your cousins house, me and you brother go to the hospital.
  • Conflict
  • Get up we're going to the hospital.
  • Rising action
  • Let's go see him one last time.
  • On the day of Roberto's birthday party my dad hit his head and was having a seizure. The ambulance had to come get him.
  • Climax
  • Thank you for coming uncle.
  • A week later my brother Roger woke me up and told me we had to go to the hospital because my dad's condition had gotten worse.
  • Falling action
  • Roberto took me inside the hospital to say goodbye to my dad.
  • Resolution
  • I can let you be the first to bury him.
  • My great aunt prayed at my house for two weeks because it was a custom and the house was ful of people.
  • At my dads funeral we were allowed to go see him in private for a few minutes.
  • Yes, thank you.
  • Would you like to have a moment in private with him?
  • The worker that was burying my dad let us use a shovel to put the first pieces of dirt on him before the dump truck did the rest.
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