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The fun they had

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The fun they had
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  • Ohhh NOOO!!!! Againn, soo much homework. I am just soo tired of this... I wish I would've from the era where kids used to go to a real building to study and had a human teacher. 
  • Margie, do complete you homework and we will meet tomorrow with a new chapter.
  • Margie let's read the rest of it tomorrow and guess what I have an amazing idea.
  • Margie! stop shouting. It's the weekend , so you can complete you work easily. And I am tired about hearing the old schools from your great grandmother's time. Time has changed alright. Anyway your friend Tommy is here. Go out and have some fresh air.
  • MOMMM!!!! He again gave me tons of assignments as homework. I am tired. Can't there be actual schools and an actual human teacher so I could understand a little better. 
  • B-But.... Leave it. I am going out. Bye....
  • Hey Margie! 
  • Margie you know one time my teacher gave me like 12 assignment's and just the weekend to complete. Yours doesn't sounds that bad though. Anyway I bought the book, let's go to the park and read it.
  • Why do you look so sad Margie? Let me guess.... Is it because of your teacher?
  • Yes! you got it right Tommy. The mechanical teacher has been giving me a lot of homework. And today because of the weekend he gave me like 6 assignments. 
  • I guess you're right 6 is better. Let's go to the park and read further. 
  • Hi...
  • Margie this is so cool! They had a courtyard and had a sports period twice a week.
  • Look they even had a P.E.C once in 2 months, where the parents used to come to meet the teachers at the school building.
  • Woahh!! They even used to go to trips together Margie. Unbelievable and Cool
  • Yeah! I am seriously so jealous of them. How fun it would have been being with friends and human teachers and enjoying and not studying for a change.
  • How I wish we too had a sports period where we could go and enjoy with our friends.
  • Well I wish we had the same thing. We have a small P.E.C everyday here.
  • That's because your brain is stuck on your homework.
  • When we get a job, we can open school just like the old time!
  • You seem very exited Margie. Okay bye. 
  • Okay fine! What's the idea. 
  • Woah! That's a marvelous idea Tommy. I am on it. Deal! I wonder why don't I get these idea?
  • Yeah Yeah! Okay we'll meet up tomorrow and read further and discuss about what can we do in our school.,
  • That's because me and Tommy came up with a brilliant idea that once we get a job we'll open our own school just like in great grandma's time. 
  • Yes Mom! Little girls learn better if they study at regular hours!
  • You got me right Margie!
  • That's a wonderful idea. But you only get a job if you study...
  • Hey Margie, you came back. You seem happy, but you weren't when you left. 
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