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Sultan Raziya

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Sultan Raziya
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Storyboard Descriere

First Women Sultan of northern India.

Storyboard Text

  • In the early 13th century fierce warriors were fighting over to reign Delhi
  • 1201 – 1300
  • And one of those warriors was Sultan Raziya daughter of Shams ud-Din Iltutmish the third of the Mamluk kings who ruled the former Ghurid territories in northern India.
  • Shams ud-Din Iltutmish raised Raziya to be a bold young girl and alongside her and her three brothers he thought them governance and military warfare.
  • 1235
  • But the Sultan considered Raziya equal to 20 of his men in battle She assisted her father in state affairs and never hesitated to give her opinion so on his deathbed Iltutmish nominated Raziya as his successor which angered the nobles
  • 1236
  • Not wanting to see a woman ruler the noblemen appointed Raziya's brother Rukn-ud-din Firuz as King but he only ruled for for less than seven months as he was assanated in 1236 and Raziya Claimed the Throne
  • 1236
  • Raziya Claimed the Throne in 7th november 1236 and ordered people to call her "Sultan Raziya" instead of "Sultana Raziya" which meant wife of the king .Her rule ended in 20 April 1240 due to being overthrown by her opponents.
  • 1236
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