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Princess Suzy: Part 2

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Princess Suzy: Part 2
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  • After some more waiting, Princess Suzy couldn't handle it. So she came up with a plan.
  • She decdid to build a tall tower. Taller than the castle. Hours went by as she sketched and calculated.
  • Suzy's parnets thought that was a great idea.They called all the castle workers to help. Soon, the construction project started..
  • Miss Johnson,you can put the wood outside.Bulter Chad,you can put up the frame.
  • The tower was coming together, It took one whole year to build!
  • The tower was finshed.Suzy's parnets were so proud of their little girl.
  • We love you, honey.
  • Suzy sit on the rocks and looked into her spyglass.She saw the bunch of buildings and oceans. Now, Suzy had everything she needed to be happy. The end.
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