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Storyboard Text

  • Escape
  • Exposition
  • You broke the law! You will be punished!
  • Rising Action
  • You're right. We'll go through the North.
  • The Southern border is too heavily guarded. We should go through the North.
  • Escape
  • Climax
  • Ok. We'll run across in 3..2...1
  • After Seoa and Chul's parents didn't show up to the annual celebration of North Korea's founder Kim Il-Sung, military officials showed up to their tiny house and took their parents away to a prison camp. Unfortunately, many people don't come out after being brought in. In these prison camps, the people there are severely malnourished, tortured, and executed.
  • Falling Action
  • After this tragedy, Seoa and Chul decide to escape. The only problem is, doing this is extremely difficult. The Southern boarder is one of the most heavily guarded places in the world. The eastern and western borders are covered in ocean, making it hard to escape from there, especially without a boat. That leaves the northern border with China. While it's easier to get through, you would have to make a long voyage after that, while remaining undetected. China's policy is to deport any North Korean defectors back to North Korea. The only nearby countries that will deport you to South Korea, are Thailand and Mongolia.
  • Resolution
  • While the journey will be difficult, Seoa and Chul decide to take the risk. Because it was winter, the river separating China and North Korea had frozen. They quickly ran across the river. Now, their biggest challenge will be remaining undetected while crossing China into Mongolia.
  • After making it across the border and into Shengyang, Seoa and Chul go to a marketplace to buy food because they had run out. In the marketplace, they were discovered, so they ran away as far as they could. The two were lost and without food. Their hope was running out, until after 6 days of walking, they miraculously reached Beijing.
  • *whispers* Try tp keep a low profile. They will deport us back if they find out we're defectors. We just need to find a train to take us to Mongolia
  • From Beijing, they took a train to the city of Manzhouli. They ran up to the border guards and begged for their help. The border guards did not believe them, until they said they'd rather die than be deported back to China and eventually, North Korea. After making it into Mongolia, they were boarded onto a plane, where they were flown to South Korea. They were finally free.
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