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Original hero story

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Original hero story
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Storyboard Text

  • Ordinary World:
  • Call To Adventure 
  • The Refusal 
  • Akaira lives in a world with a power that is feared by society. and her family. Her family gave her up and she's left in the hands of the Hero Board. They believed that Akira’s power would be useful in the future, so they took her in and began harshly training her at a young age. She was locked away inside one of the many Hero Board rooms for the rest of her childhood. - Here Akira is confused and hurt, she wants to be with her family again
  • Meeting the Mentor 
  •  Timeskip: Akaira is much older (18), shes at the age where needs to be prompt herself as a hero, so the Hero Board decided to take her into public. She asks uninterested and stoic while walking around town but she's hiding the fact that she's extremely excited and paranoid. She stays quiet the entire trip until later. -The two people on the side are members of the hero board- They have red eyes representing evil
  • Crossing the threshold 
  • Akaira is making her way out of town alone when sees a monstrous villain attacking the top Professional Hero in America, Cain Roland, aka Helios. She doesn't react quickly, she freezes in her spot. She is petrified and her mind is telling her to run, but he heart screams at her to go help. She shakes off her fear and saves Helios's life quickly.- her actions shows shes insecure and unsure of her powers
  • Enemies & Allies 
  • Helios was impressed by Akairas bravery and power, so he decides to properly introduce himself to her after the battle. He asks her about where she learned to fight with such power like that and she gives him a rundown of her childhood. - Helios works at a top hero school and decided to ask the principal of the school to accept her into the program- She later meets another mentor (Thanatos) -they both help her get over her insecurities
  • While at the top hero school, Akaira learns more fighting techniques and gains confidence in herself. While in the school dorms she overhears the dorm tv reporting another monstrous villain attack, and the villain looks identical to the one that fought Helios. The leader of the Hero Board calls Akaria to let her know that they suspect that there are more villains like this and someone is creating them. They need her to go on her first mission and go undercover as a villain to find who is creating these monsters.- her hero alias is Nightmare -hero alias after childhood trauma nickname
  • Akaira is meeting her partner, Atticus, for her undercover job. She doesn't trust him right away because of his carefree attitude, but later decides to trust him because the undercover assignment would fail if they don't trust each other- notice Atticus has red eyes which again is representing evil- he is not someone to trust
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