Charlotte's Web: Beginning Middle End

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Charlotte's Web: Beginning Middle End
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Storyboard Descriere

This is an example of a basic plot diagram that can be used to teach plot-mapping to students.

Storyboard Text

  • Beginning
  • No father! Don't kill Wilbur
  • Well all right honey, but he'll need to live with your uncle
  • Middle
  • A new farm. Who will be my friend and keep me safe?
  • I'm Charlotte, a spider. I think you're "Some Pig."
  • End
  • Fran Arable saves Wilbur's life at her father's house and he loves her dearly.
  • When Wilbur has to move to a new farm, Charlotte takes him under her wing and gets him entered in the state fair by writing messages in her web. They become best friends.
  • After the fair, Charlotte dies and Wilbur and the farm animals mourn, but now Wilbur isn't alone - he has friends on the farm!
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