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Gay-Lussac's Gas Law

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Gay-Lussac's Gas Law
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Storyboard Text

  • This alley is so dirty and gross! I feel like I should do something.
  • Hey, I've got some spray-paint up at my place! We could add some color and style
  • I think I found it! You know I never realized how cold my attic was...
  • It wasn't in here! And don't worry, the city's much warmer.
  • Stuff
  • Oh yeah, Gay-Lussac's Gas Law! It burst because of high pressure! Oh well, maybe spray paint wasn't a good idea anyway.
  • AHH! It burst! I should've known! When temperature increases, pressure does too!
  • Looks like normal paints did the job.
  • Yep! We went back to your house at the right time too! We had moved the rest of the spray paints close to the fireplace, and they all could've burst.
  • These gas laws are important because they have an effect on everyday life. Take us as an example. Also, there are more gas laws and properties that exist.
  • Charles's Law relates temperature to volume, while Boyle's law states an inverse relationship between volume and pressure. Gases also have many abilities. They can diffuse (go from high concentration to low) effuse (fit through small openings), expand and compress.
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