Man vs. Man in The Cask of Amontillado

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Man vs. Man in The Cask of Amontillado
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Storyboard Descriere

The Cask of Amontillado literary Conflict Man vs. Man

Storyboard Text

  • Here Fortunato comes now... I have been waiting to get revenge...
  • Yes, I am fine! A cough won't kill me!
  • Just a bit further in the catacombs! You will love the wine! Are you sure you want to continue? Your cough is bad.
  • ...You were right my friend, a cough won't kill you!
  • During Carnival, friend and foe meet!
  • Montresor has been harboring a grudge against Fortunato and plans to lure him to his death.
  • Montresor shackles Fortunato in a hole and conceals it with bricks.
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