A Amâna

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A Amâna
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Put Off - Verbe Frazale Englezești

Verb Frazal Englezesc: A Amâna

Picture Encyclopedia of Phrasal Verbs

Verbele frazale englezești precum „a amâna” sunt complicate! Consultați Enciclopedia noastră de imagini pentru a ajuta studenții ENL să înțeleagă fiecare semnificație!

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Storyboard Descriere

Verbe Frazale Engleze - A Amâna

Storyboard Text

  • TO PUT OFFTo postponeExample: Roger suggested that the meeting was put off because Susan was in traffic.
  • Susan is stuck in traffic. We should put off the meeting.
  • That dog stinks! The smell is really putting me off my food!
  • TO PUT OFFTo stop someone concentratingExample: Ana's music was really putting Harry off driving.
  • Can you turn down the music its really putting me off!
  • What other examples can you use to illustrate "to put off"?
  • TO PUT OFFTo make someone not want or dislike somethingExample: The dog's smell really put Elsa off her food.
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