A Arunca

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A Arunca
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Aruncă - Verbe Frazale Englezești

Verb Frazal Englezesc: A Arunca

Verbele frazale englezești precum „a arunca” sunt complicate! Consultați Enciclopedia noastră de imagini pentru a ajuta studenții ENL să înțeleagă fiecare semnificație!

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Storyboard Descriere

Verbe Frazale Engleze - A Arunca

Storyboard Text

  • TO THROW AWAYTo miss or waste an opportunityHe threw away his opportunity to get the job by arriving to the interview late.
  • You're so late! You've thrown away the opportunity to work here.
  • TO THROW AWAYTo dispose of Mary decide to throw away Rob's old, smelly T-shirt.
  • This T-shirt smells so bad. I'm going to throw it away.
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