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Hand In - Verbe Frazale Engleze

Verb Frazal Englezesc: A Preda

Verbele frazale engleze precum „a preda” sunt complicate! Consultați Enciclopedia noastră de imagini pentru a ajuta studenții ENL să înțeleagă fiecare semnificație!

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Storyboard Descriere

Verbe Frazale Engleze - A Preda

Storyboard Text

  • TO HAND INTo give to someone responsibleExample: Oscar found a bag and handed it in to the police.
  • Hey, mom, I found this on the ground what should I do?
  • You should hand it in to the police.
  • TO HAND INTo submitExample: When they finished the quiz Mr. Jones wanted the students to hand in the quiz.
  • After you finish the quiz, hand it in at my desk.
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