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Get Over - Verbe Frazale Engleze

Verb Frazal Englezesc: A Trece Peste

Verbele frazale englezești precum „a trece peste” sunt complicate! Consultați Enciclopedia noastră de imagini pentru a ajuta studenții ENL să înțeleagă fiecare semnificație!

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Storyboard Descriere

Verbe Frazale Engleze – A Trece Peste

Storyboard Text

  • TO GET OVERTo overcome a problemExample: Tim hadn't gotten over his phobia of sharks
  • I've just seen Linda on a date. It looks like she has gotten over her break up.
  • You told me you had gotten over your fear of sharks.
  • TO GET OVERTo recover from an illness or injuryExample: It was going to take weeks for Adam to get over his bike accident.
  • Your leg is broken. It will take you at least 6 weeks to get over your injury.
  • What are some other ways you can illustrate the meaning of "to get over"?
  • TO GET OVERTo recover from feeling bad after a relationship has endedExample: Fred saw Linda on a date so she must have gotten over her breakup.
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