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Boşanma Sosyal Hikayesi

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Öğrencilerin bir boşanma olduğunda ne beklemeleri gerektiğini anlamalarına yardımcı olun. Boşanma sosyal hikaye örneği

Storyboard Text

  • My parents love me always, and I love them always.
  • My parents told me and my sister that they are getting divorced. I was sad. They still love me always.
  • They will be living in different houses, but they will both still take care of us.
  • Sometimes we live with my mom and I miss my dad. That is okay.
  • Sometimes we live with my dad and I miss my mom. That is also okay.
  • My family is still my family, they just live in two different houses. It can actually be a lot of fun!
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