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  • Grit is what makes self accomplished people successful. They are not born as a genuis in trade or business, but they work hard and have the grit to get to that point.But what does grit mean, and how do you get it?
  • To have grit means to have passion and perseverance. People who have grit do not let temporary obstacles or setbacks deter them from their goals. Grit can be seen in world class athletes, successful CEOs, politicians, and more.
  • Grit is not a trait that one is born with. Grit must be achieved and grown over many years. Those who truly have obtained grit have put in their blood, sweat, and tears to get there. As Angela Duckworth said in Grit, "Fall seven, rise eight." This means that no matter how many times you fail, you need to persist and keep trying.
  • I've finally done it...
  • It can take an entire lifetime to achieve grit, however there are steps to get you on your way
  • Find something that you are interested in, and pursue it. As long as it is something that will make you better, whether it be a sport, ability, or skill, it is worth pursuing. Once you have figured out what it is you want to achieve, focus in on that goal and practice, practice, practice until you reach it.
  • “Our potential is one thing. What we do with it is quite another.” (Chapter 1).
  • Talent x Effort = SkillSkill x Effort = Achievement
  • Remember to keep your eyes on the prize, and continue to work at what you want to achieve. It is important to be able to overcome obstacles. View your setbacks as challenges to adapt and improve. Recognize that whatever worth achieving will not come to you overnight.
  • Must keep going..
  • If you do eventually achieve what it means to be truly gritty, you will have one of the most useful traits. Grit is what makes the highly accomplished so successful, and all notable people in history had grit.
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