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Into the Wild

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Into the Wild
Storyboard That

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Текст Раскадровки

  • The Search of Personal Identity comes with making difficult decisions.
  • Hate it here...
  • The Search of Personal Identity comes with making difficult decisions.
  • Here take my money... I don't need it!
  • Freedom can come in many forms of expression and sacrifice.
  • "In May 1990, Chris graduated from Emory University in Atlanta... He was offered membership in Phi Betta Kappa but declined, insisting that titles and honors are irrelevant" (Krakauer). Chris's first decision of letting go of materialistic things was not caring about titles that "defined" who you are as a person.
  • Freedom can come in many forms of expression and sacrifice.
  • "... more than twenty-four thousand dollars remained at the time of Chris's graduation... he would shortly donate all the money in his college fund to OXFAM America, a charity dedicated to fighting hunger." (Krakuer). Chris wanted to get rid of "extra space" that wasn't valuable to him. Instead of being selfish and greedy, Chris donated the loads of money to an organization to can help all.
  • The Search of Personal Idenitity comes with making difficult decisions.
  • "Five weeks earlier he'd loaded all his belongings into his little car and headed west without an itinerary. The trip was to be an odyssey in the fullest sense of the world, an epic journey that would change everything." (Krakauer). Chris sacrificed his "safety net" at home where he had a home, education, and a support system to truly embrace what his true potential is in life. He cut off all throb of existence and was free from a world that had many distractions.
  • Freedom can come in many forms of expression and sacrifice.
  • "McCandless was camped at the edge of the wash, a couple of feet higher than the main channel, so when the bore of brown water came rushing down from the high country, he had just enough time to gather his tent and belongings and save them from being swept away." (Krakeur). On going this trip, Chris never suspected that his car will get destroyed in a flood. His actions lead to some unfortunate consequences.In order to fulfill his "monk lifestyle", he had to deal with the sacrifice of mother nature.
  • "With the battery dead there was no way to get to the Datsun running. ... McCandless had no choice but to walkout and notify the authorities of his predicament." (Krakeur). Chris had to make a difficult decisive of whether to go to the rangers and possibly get arrested for an expired license and registration or just help himself.
  • "...he arranged all his paper currency in a pile on the sand- a pathetic little stack of ones and fives and twenties- a put a match to it." (Krakeur). By burning all his money, Chris lets goes of all his "anxieties". He has no more weight on his shoulders because he realized that through an bump in the road, you must keep pushing through with life. No matter how tough it can be.
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