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Описание Раскадровки

The Book Thief

Текст Раскадровки

  • Exposition
  • Conflict
  • Rising Action
  • In the beginning of the book Liesel, he brother and her mother are all on a train. Lisesel’s mother is giving up on her children and giving them to someone else. Lisesels brother dies and the train. Which then causes Lisesel to have nightmares in the future.
  • Climax
  • Falling Action
  • Hans Hubermann made the mistake of giving bread to a Jew who had fallen down. The Jews had been walking for ages on end and one of the Jews fell. Han then got beat up and was scared people would go to his house which made Max have to leave. Max gets captured because of that but no had came to their house .
  • One night all is calm in the basement, but then boom and explosion happens. Lisesel is just finishing her book. A Big Bang happens and she rushes up the stars and see that there’s been a bombing, she sees her only family dead on the ground. She rushes next door to see that Rudy is dead too and she gives him is only wish which was a kiss from Lisesel.
  • After Lisesel is left with nothing and no family. The mayor and his wife take Lisesel in after she’s left with nothing. No home, no family, nothing but her self. Rudys dad comes back home from the war and comes to find that his whole entire family is dead.
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