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STAC poster
Storyboard That

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Текст Раскадровки

  • This is Jimmy. Jimmy is making sure there is a fire extinguisher in proximity in case of a fire while using the sawmill. Embers can form from cutting the wood which can turn into fires while using the sawmill which is why you must be careful.
  • A small fire has started while Jimmy was using the sawmill.
  • Jimmy was responsible however and had a fire extinguisher in proximity which jimmy used to put out the fire, he also moved other objects out of the way so they don't catch fire and switched off the lights so the fire does not become bigger.
  • This is Bob. Bob was irresponsible and he didn't make sure there was a fire extinguisher nearby. Therefore if a fire starts while using the sawmill then he has no way of putting it out.
  • A small fire has started while Bob was using the sawmill.
  • Bob didn't have a way of putting the fire out and bob ran away scared. The fire grew bigger as the light bulb shattered and the chair and computer caught fire.THe moral of this story is that you must always have a fire extinguisher near you in case of a fire while using such equipment.
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