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The Power Outage

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The Power Outage
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  • Haru: What's going on? Why does everyone look concerned?.Mila: I'm not sure.
  • ...
  • Mila: Dad what's going on? Why isn't anything working?.Dad: There seems to have been a power outage. We think its going to go on for a while. We have little food left.
  • Mom: We can't keep thinking that the power will be back soon. Plus, we're running of food and water. Let's go to Taeju to stay with my parents for a while until everything returns to normal.Dad: Good idea. We'll take a plane.
  • I don't want to go to Taeju...
  • Dad: There's too many people so we have to walk.
  • Dad: See? it's raining, i'm freezing, and i haven't eaten any good food since we left. Have you seen where your "brilliant" idea has kept us?!?Mom: "I", "I'm", can you listen to yourself?,  Stop being selfish and be a man for once. I've been the one looking for food and shelter this whole trip. You have done nothing but complain!.
  • Mum: We're finally here. I guess my idea wasn't so stupid after all right? We finally have food, water, electricity and warm shelter.Dad: I guess it wasn't. All we have to do is wait for updates about the power outage back home. 
  • Haru: Grandma! Grandpa!
  • Mila: Oh My God. The food smells so good!!!
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